Dear Family,
My mom passed away peacefully this
morning at 6:05am. She will be with the Lord forever.
After I came back from Morning prayer
meeting, I cleaned her and stayed with her for 3 hours.
In the past 11 1/2 years, she is
always there to support me. I am very thankful.
I also thank you to pray and
fight for her every time when she was in trouble.
Through all these prayers, we
experienced so many miracles.
Praise the Lord! His mercy endures forever!
In Christ,
我的母親今日早晨六時零五分平安離世, 永藏主懷.
我從晨禱會回家之後, 清洗她, 陪伴她三個鐘頭.
在過去十一年半之久, 她一直在我身邊支持我, 我的心非常感恩.
我也感謝你, 在她遇見困難的時候, 你總是為她禱告爭戰. 藉著眾人的禱告, 我們經歷了許多神蹟.
感謝神, 祂的慈愛永遠常存!
蔡張成牧師敬上 07-18-2012